Due to the wide
varieties of topics discussed on this blog, it can be a challenge
trying to find blog posts on a given topic. I also sometimes use
terminology from other disciplines that discuss an issue concerning
aberrant Christianity or spiritual abuse, but that might not be how a
person might describe things. So in the interests of helping people
navigate to certain subject matter, I keep trying to find the best
way to help people find what they seek. In the meanwhile, try this strategy:
- SEARCH BOX. Your best bet to find particular topics will be to use the search box at the top of the sidebar, then take notice if there are other related items of interest by clicking on the tag at the bottom of the post.
- SIDEBAR. Don't miss the important summaries of information and highly recommended resources listed in the sidebar itself. Take advantage of the blog buttons that will link you to important info. The graphics usually will redirect you to another webpage or post. Note that there are two sets of “blog topic buttons” – one devoted to spiritual abuse and the other devoted to issues within patriarchy.
- LIST OF TOPICS. Try selecting items from the list below. (Some links will direct you to lists of related posts on certain topics which usually include some specifics about each blog post. Some links will take you to the sister archive site which allows for easier reading of longer content or series of posts on a particular topic. On rare occasions, you'll be redirected to all posts via a post tag descriptor if I'm currently developing a category list for those items.)
- TABBED PAGES. Make sure that you take a look at the tabbed pages at the top of the blog, including essential media, a link list, and a list of old, good and faithful books including ideas about how to tackle the subject to help you get started.
- TAG LIST. (You can try it! There are some good topic tags still hidden in there.)
- Contact me if you're searching for something in particular and can't find relevant content.
Special Issues
Associated with Spiritual Abuse
- Defining Spiritual Abuse
- Propaganda Techniques and Informal Logical Fallacies (Used by groups to deceive potential and new recruits about the true nature of their central message, doctrines, and objectives)
- Facing Your Spiritual Abuser: Index of Posts About the Star Chamber and the Hot Seat
- How To Resist Undue Influence
- Understanding Difficult People (From a series of posts about people who won't repent, a section of the posts exploring forgiveness.)
- Con Artists, Manipulators, and Cult Leaders
- Understanding Cognitive Dissonance (How groups accomplish thought reform indoctrination without your notice)
Personal Recovery
- Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Post Cult Trauma Syndrome
- Difficulties with Bible Study After Spiritual Abuse
- Exploring Forgiveness and Reconciliation
- Understanding Repentance (Related posts included in list above about Exploring Forgiveness)
- Resourcesfor Transforming Anger (Related posts included in list above about Exploring Forgiveness)
- Childhood Roots of Victimization (Understanding the role of childhood emotional development that may play a role for some who get caught up in spiritual abuse)
- Why is the Locus of Control Important for So Many in Recovery from Fundamentalism? (in development)
- Journey Out of Shame: A List of Resources
- Recovery from Enmeshment and Covert Incest (Off site link for the Overcoming Botkin Syndrome blog examining the model for daughters taught within the patriarchy movement associated with homeschooling groups like Vision Forum.)
- Towards Overcoming Cognitive Biases: An Index of Posts
Specific High Demand
Evangelical Groups
- Shepherding Discipleship Movement
- Basic Info about Homeschooling's Patriarchy Movement
- Complementarianism (in development; Patriarchy affiliated with the Counsel on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and the Southern Baptist Convention)
- Overview of Evangelical Patriarchy (Powerpoint slides about the vilification of women and children; Also features an excellent list to online links to additional supporting information.)
- Video Workshop about the Patriarchy Movement (Overlapping aspects of both homeschooling's and CBMW's affiliated movements; 1 hour in length, 2008)
- Bill Gothard Index (Shepherding, Patriarchy, Quiverfull, Homeschooling)
- Vision Forum Index (Patriarchy, Quiverfull, Homeschooling, national folk religion; next generation Gothardism)
- Family Integrated Church Overview (Vilification of age-specific spiritual training)
- List of all posts related to the Family Integrated Church (Includes correspondence with Voddie Baucham)
- Teen Mania (Discipline oriented boot camp program for teens.)
- Hephzibah House (Teen home for troubled youth run by the Independent Fundamental Baptists)
- Aberrant Calvinism's Cruel Elitism (in development)
Special Problems
Associated with the Patriarchy Movement
- Video Workshop about the Patriarchy Movement
- Refuting the Doctrine of the Eternal Subordination of the Son (Complementarianism's view of the Trinity which makes Jesus subordinate to the Father in will and authority)
- All Links Related to Corporal Punishment (Includes Voddie Baucham's favored topic of “First Time Obedience” and Michael Pearl)
- Why Good People Make Dangerous Choices (Problems with Michael Pearl and a discussion of Lydia Schatz and her family)
- Homeschooling Paradigm for Women Contrasted Against Orthodox Judaism
- Aberrant Christianity's version of Social Darwinism (“Multigenerational Faithfulness”)
- Neoconfederates and Racism Influences within Patriarchy
- Index of all posts related to kinist racism
- Vision Forum's Position on Ectopic Pregnancy (Surgery for a tubal pregnancy is considered murder.)
- Religious Justification of Domestic Violence and the Abuse of Women (in development)
Other Issues from a
Conservative Christian Perspective
- Gen Y's Problems with Christianity (in development; Important topics drawn from the book published by the Barna Group entitled, unChristian, discussing problems that Generation Y or “Mosaics” tend to have with traditional, conservative Christianity)
- The Emergent Church Movement (in development)
- Christian or Theistic Existentialism (in development)