Not every offense
is so easily forgiven...
Understanding Difficult People
- When your Family and Loved Ones Offend You (Recognizing that loved ones don't always offer us unconditional love, even though they should.)
- Loved Ones Who Repeatedly Hurt Us: Landorf Heatherley's “Irregular People” (Wisdom from the book, Irregular People, a term for describing people who have trouble treating us with appropriate love, respect, encouragement, and empathy.)
- Complicated Forgiveness from My Own Journey (Personal account of rejected forgiveness, and understanding forgiveness and reconciliation as the same thing.)
- Also see this Index of posts discussing how to understand manipulative people, the tactics they use, and how to best respond to them.
Considerations When Negotiating with
Difficult People Who Can't Repent
- Streets to Avoid on the Journey of Forgiveness (Wisdom from Portia Nelson) (Appreciating the futility of situations wherein a party involved in an offense doesn't choose to cooperate and respond in an ideal way.)
- Cognitive Dissonance in Confrontation and the Process of Forgiveness (Limitations and human weaknesses that limit or slow down our ability to process emotionally charged information. How negative emotion can thwart our ability to be rational, especially when confronting others about offenses.)
- Respecting the Weaker Brother on the Journey of Forgiveness (Developing compassion for and patience with people who are too wounded or threatened to forgive because of their own limitations or past trauma.)
- Style, Personality Conflicts, and the Myers-Briggs Inventory in Forgiveness (Communication and personality clashes that can make negotiating forgiveness more difficult.)
- Posts exploring the differences between forgiveness and reconciliation also contain helpful information. Manipulators merge forgiveness and reconciliation to blackmail enablers and victims both emotionally and spiritually into tolerating abuse.
Self Care for Those Who Suffer
Chronic Offense Because of Difficult People
- Confronting Others to Foster Trust in Forgiveness (Review of communication styles and how they can hurt or help forgiveness.)
- How Betrayal Bonds Exploit Trust and Power: Merging Forgiveness and Reconciliation (How traumatic bonding occurs and how it can put a victim at risk if one follows the Path of Denial in forgiveness.)
- Streets to Avoid on the Journey of Forgiveness (Wisdom from Portia Nelson) (Appreciating the futility of situations wherein a party involved in an offense doesn't choose to cooperate and respond in an ideal way.)