Just a reminder that the purpose of this discussion aims at stimulating thought and self awareness as tools to help those in recovery from trauma learn how to make safer choices. To make the discussion a bit lighter, we've defined Cognitive Biases as “CranioRectal Inversions” (CRI).
There are more posts to come which will first be featured at No Longer Quivering where you might want to watch for them, and they'll eventually find their way back here. For now, here are the posts on the subject through 2018. This list is not comprehensive, nor is it organized in a particular manner, save that they are loosely organized by general type (social, attributional, etc.). There are at least this many more to come.
Falling Off the Ladder of Inference
How Cognitive Bias Influences Us
Cognitive Dissonance (Intro/Dynamicsarchived March 2009)
Commitment and Consistency Heuristics (Cialdini's Weapons of Influence)
- Commitment and Consistency (with Swimmer's Body Illusion)
Confidence and Positivity
- Optimism Bias
- Objectification
- Halo Effect(Idealization)
- Scapegoats(Denigration)
- Optimism as a Coping Mechanism
Perception and Causality Errors
Social Influence (Cialdini's Social Proofand Liking)
- Interpersonal Conflict
Attribution and Availability Errors
Memory Illusions