Monday, July 30, 2012

Another Case of Abuse of a Homeschooled, Adopted Child

A fifteen year old girl was removed from the Georgia home of a family who are accused of confining the adopted and homeschooled child in an outhouse that was not tall enough to sit in and within an in-use chicken coop.  They are also alleged to have kept a dog "shock collar" on the child.

It continues to disturb me tremendously that these cases of aggressive and abuse occur with adopted children while the natural children of these parents suffer far less severe treatment.  Adopted children often suffer with Attachment Disorders which makes rigid, authoritarian, and corporal punishment approaches especially dangerous.  It is especially troubling in light of the concept that Christians have been "offered the spirit of adoption" through faith and should emulate that concept, especially with adopted children., GA News Weather

Read more:
  • WTVM
  • AJC
  • Video Cafe

HT to "Greta" who participates with the efforts of Janet Heimlich, author of Breaking Their Will.