Thursday, July 31, 2008

Variations on theTheme of Domestic Abuse

Interesting and Insightful series of posts on "The Hope Blog":
From Part I:
Today I want to address something, however, that is a topic rarely, if ever, addressed by Christians... ...How do women get into these relationships? Often there are warning signs in dating relationships that are there to see if the woman is willing to look. Too often, they are not. Many women actually do see the signs but ignore them because they don’t want to have to break off the relationship. Men who are controlling, easily made jealous, moody and unpredictable aren’t always abusive, but all men who are abusive are these things...
From Part II:
Abusive husbands do not always use their fists. Some use both physical violence and intimidation and their mouths. Some just use their mouths. Bruises externally heal with time, but the harm done with their words can last a long, long time. “Christian” men who use their mouths to hurt and control their wives make a farce of Christianity. The book of James in the Bible tells us that those who call themselves Christians and who don’t control their tongues have worthless religion. Worthless is exactly the right word...
He that troubles his own house shall inherit the wind… Proverbs 11:29