Friday, December 7, 2007

A "Roar" for Powerful Words!

Jo at has bestowed upon me the “Roar for Powerful Words” Award!

 It seems that it all started with this interesting fellow in New Zealand who wanted to encourage “good, powerful writing on the Internet/Blogosphere.” So in order to increase exposure to his writers circle called “Shameless Lions” and to demonstrate that there are good bloggers out there producing valuable stuff, he created the “Roar Award.”  He thought that it was also a good opportunity to stimulate thought about “exactly what it is that makes writing good and powerful.” As a recipient, Seamus Kearney asks that I choose and distribute the award to five other “blogs I love, can’t live without where I think the writing is good and powerful.”

I’m also to define those qualities of writing that I find essential to writing good and powerful blog posts. Hmmm. The person who nominated me blessed me with words that humbled me greatly, considering that I found it strange to be nominated. I post mostly things recanted from many far wiser than myself and don’t really write much prose. (…although I do display and actual, original poem as my first post on the Under Much Grace Blogspot!) So I would have to say that, in regard to this type of writing here, I would encourage others to first write something of some lasting value so that the person is changed for the better in some lasting way. I believe that this is always a goal. Second, I don’t think that I can get away from the instruction to be direct and concise. (After already winning awards for writing in many competitions, I went to have my first college research paper reviewed before turning it in for a grade.

The poet, Paul Martin, advised me then to always write in active voice, so I consider that to be an essential element of being direct and concise.) And though I personally fail at this quite often (as if I don’t at all the others?), I believe that is a must to write everything as an act of worship unto God. As a Christian, I believe that all men (and women) must give an account for every word that they communicate over the course of their lives, so how much more should we endeavor to worship God in our blogging, there for every soul with a computer to see? I now bestow this honor upon five blog authors that I absolutely cannot live without, although I do not frequent some of them that often. Keep in mind that this is an honor for those who write powerful words and those that are also literary.

To avoid too much cronyism and possible Lion Inbreeding, I’ve picked the most trenchant of blog hosts, so don’t be disappointed if you don’t see your own blog here…. I hope that you will visit these blogs of the newest award recipients!

 Andrew Sandlin of “Andrew Sandlin. net” and the "Center for Cultural Leadership” ( he who first noted that my writing was “trenchant” and probably why I like his work)

Robin Phillips of “Robin’s Readings and Reflections” (well known for his work on courtship that he could sell for financial gain but offers online for free)

Molly Aley of both “Adventures in Mercy” and “Complegalitarian” (for so eloquently tackling the topics that I would like to devote myself to but have too many other things to communicate first) 

Cheryl Schatz of “McGreggor Ministries Outreach,” JW Info Line and “Women In Ministry” (Yes, I can nominate her for her excellence even if she is one of those fully fledged egalitarians and I'm just mostly so!) Dusman of Grace in the Triad (who I discovered via remarkably wise comments made on Cheryl’s Women in Ministry site)