Thursday, July 19, 2007

My Eyes So Full of Light

Until I get something more substantial to put here, I decided to post this poem that I wrote in November 2006. I was still suffering from a sluggish thyroid and had just experienced some new healing of some very old wounds.

A musician friend of mine charged me to write a song around my new epiphany, as I kept repeating that my eyes were so full of light that I could barely see. Within a few days, I awakened in the wee hours of the morning, scribbling the words down on cardboard (the first thing that I could grab to write on). I still hear no music dancing behind or above these words, but they're not going anywhere.

My Eyes So Full of Light

As I wrestle with this old, familiar problem
From this place I always flee but never leave
Overwhelmed and strangled by the growing chaos
Where I know futility
And I feel strength leaving me
Come now, Lord, and be glorified in me

Outside of You, my heart is cold and stony
Per the prophet, it is wicked desperately
It is if my heart of hope is dead already
Yet it somehow feels this pain
And knows that all is not in vain
So, COME NOW, LORD, and be glorified in me

If your strength is truly perfect through our weakness
And your power glorified through human need
As your eyes look to and fro, gaze now and see me
I groan with the very earth
Oh, COME NOW, LORD, and be glorified in me

My heart knows well that death's my only answer
But as your power overshadows me
My death to selfish gain is what You called for
Never to cover up in shame
Hiding the glory of your Name
Oh, Transform me and be glorified in me

This heart, once dark, now beams with understanding
My eyes so full of light I barely see
The path before me, and where all my steps You've ordered
As your whisper says "This way"
As your right hand holds my sway
I rejoice as you are glorified in me

So ALL glory be unto my Heavenly Father, my Creator, Savior, Lover of my Soul,
Be ever by me with your Spirit Breath within me
As Your Spirit sanctifies and makes me whole
As I ever dwell within this love renewal
And within Your very hands I dance and sing
May my life be nothing but a place of worship
Unto honor and all glory to my King