A few
weeks ago, Dwayne Walker graciously allowed me to
post his views on what he calls the “survivor wars” among
those who protest the abuses of the Independent Fundamental Baptists.
Sadly, I see the same kind of vying for the alpha survivor status
among many bloggers who write about spiritual abuse within the
Patriarchy/Homeschooling/Quiverfull Movement. (Dwayne addresses the
conflicts among former Independent Fundamental Baptists, abbreviated
is a ‘Survivor War’? First, it has nothing to do with the
television show, Survivor. When I write ‘Survivor War’, I
am speaking about the skirmishes that happen between adult survivors
of child abuse within fundamentalist churches or IFB children’s
homes which manifest themselves through internet flame wars, banning
someone from a message board either because of bad behavior or the
poster mentions something that flies in the face of the current
orthodoxy of the board. If we’re talking about Facebook, then
we’re dealing with ‘unfriending’ or ‘blocking’ because of
either rudeness or the moderator does not want the competition.
everyone has their bad days, I believe that many people end up
falling into the trap of the survivor wars, becoming much like Tommy
in The Who's rock opera. I fear that some jump into taking action
against the problem before they've managed their own problems related
to their own spiritual abuse experience. We learn and heal as we
move forward in a healthy way when we engage in social action against
injustice, as research has shown that women who get involved with
social action after recovery from their own rape experience tend to
have the most successful healing.
I believe that many people move forward into these social activism
activities prematurely without exit counseling and education about
how cults and high demand systems operate. They rely on the the only
dynamics they know – the bad dynamics used by their former group –
to bring about idealistic change. Basically many go on to
demonstrate that “hurt people hurt people” until they learn a
better way of coping.
One Of Us!

of these “survivor wars” involve factions between survivors that
have so many factors in common with one another, but they cannot
connect with each other. It's as if they do become so tribal about
having it worse than the other guy – as if it's a competition to
see who had a worse experience. There's also an element of the idea
that “They really didn't break me like they did the others” at
work, because it is a most unpleasant and threatening realization.
They were somehow smarter and better than the other guys who “just
don't get it.”
also witnessed the same kind of rivalry among the survivors of other
non-Bible based cultic groups who seem to fear that one survivor
group and effort might outdo their own efforts – even though they
share the same cause and experience.
of Control in the Trauma Trap
good deal of the rivalry and conflict seen in the survivor wars owes
to the fact that those who aren't working on their own recovery still
draw their sense of personal worth from the validation and laud that
they derive from others. They couldn't or weren't willing to
continue to win the affection of their group's leadership, but if
they leave and don't work on those core issues of worth which cultic
groups erode and destroy, they continue to look for that validation
elsewhere. They look to the community of their fellow survivors to
give it to them. And so the survivor wars are born.
than affirming, connecting, and working with other survivors, too
many end up stuck in the sense of rivalry as if there is only a
finite amount of affirmation and warm fuzzies to go around. If
someone else gets attention for some good work or writes the first
post about the latest crisis in their former group, somehow, it seems
that their own contributions and efforts lose value and impact.
Dwayne notes also notes owning the discussion (“I
was there first!”) as a theme.
as Trauma Reenactment

It is not that people who engage in
blogging or social change efforts do no good, but without help moving
into healthy recovery by grieving and healing on a personal level, it
becomes a compulsion giving way to the same outcomes that the
original group fostered. Activism can create an illusion that growth
and healthy progress takes place because it does address the larger
problem in a more general sense. But without attending to personal
healing that illusion only serves to intensify and perpetuate the
rhythm of the original trauma.
the collateral damage of the survivor wars results in more abuse, as
the movie Tommy depicts and as Dwayne Walker explains so well for us.
It's truly sad, for the wounded end up revictimized
in the process of reaching out to find healing. And too often, both
survivor activist and aspiring survivor end up stuck in Tommy's
trauma trap.
Hope in Healing
there is a better way and a better path to healing. That's hard to
comprehend for those who resist finding help and counsel after
spiritual abuse, as there is much busy distraction that can be found
in that trauma trap before treatment. Trauma makes us inflexible and
stressed and pulled to our limits. We must rally our own strength to
be patient with ourselves, so there is less energy left over to offer
patience and understanding to others. But hang on. There is hope
and healing ahead for those who choose to get out of the trap.
leave you with the
advice Dwayne offers to help overcome the survivor battle:
could give explicit examples of various ‘Tommys’ (or Tommies?
Grammar nazis, please advise) in our midst, but really the problem is
with us.
. .]
you keep that in perspective, you realize it’s just individuals.
Imperfect individuals and our desire to see them as anything but
imperfect individuals sets us up for betrayal. Now, chill out and
start learning from those who came before you!
further reading until the next post:
- Judith Herman's Trauma and Recovery
- Peter Levine's Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
- Bessel Van der Kolk's The Body Keeps Score
here are the original and a more modern version of
Python's Yorkshireman sketch,
the event that you've never seen it before.