
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Versatile Blogging

A few days ago, I received an email from Paula Fether, honoring me with the Versatile Blogger Award. I am deeply honored that someone for whom I have so much respect thought to name me. Paula knows the Bible, loves it and does not compromise. I love her dearly.   Her blog is entitled "Words of a Fether."

In keeping with the versatile tradition, I'm to tell readers seven things about myself that you probably wouldn't know about me. I waited a few days to finish up my video editing for the Seneca Falls 2 Convention, as I could only think “VIDEO...”  All I could think about writing at the time had to do with video editing. (That strategy may have backfired, as I'm fixated on something else this morning...)

The Versatile Blogger Rules:

  1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award. (Not required; we understand if you’d rather not.)
  2. Share seven things about yourself.
  3. Pass on the award to up to fifteen deserving bloggers.
  4. Contact the bloggers you chose for the award.

Here are my seven factoids:
  1. I love to knead bread – I love the feel of the dough. I like to make Pennsylvania Dutch Pot Pie (which is a type of pasta to which you don't add as much flour, kneading it until it has a bread dough-like feel to it). I love the dynamic nature of kneaded gluten. 
  2. I love animals, especially cats. We once had six at one time years ago, but now we just have two – babes that my husband and I bottle fed. We named them Simeon and Anna. Simeon always meows after someone sneezes, and he occasionally will jump up our laps, pressing his paw on our forehead. We call it his “blessing” and quote an obscure variation on a line from Monty Python's “The Holy Grail” whenever he does it. (“A blessing! A blessing from the cat!”) Simeon and Anna are really the one's who write this blog! They like to either put their paws on me or the laptop while I type.
  3. I've been on several foreign missions trips, two of which were in the Caribbean. I can't figure out if I just fall in love with the people because it's a missions trip (and God puts a special love in your heart) or because I love the people there so much. In both Jamaica and Trinidad, I will admit that I may have had a chemically altered brain due to the best coffee I've ever had! I found myself dreaming of my suitcase packed full of Trinidad coffee this morning, just before I awakened, recalling a now faded but fond memory.
  4. My husband, Gary, and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary this year in May. Oddly, during the week of our anniversary this year, we traveled back to the town where we spent the first year of our marriage together to attend a funeral of a dear friend and mentor. It was strangely bitter-sweet. (It took him a few weeks into our marriage to get used to my “night shift” strength coffee.)
  5. I once jammed (on a keyboard) with a church worship team in Trinidad. I had a blast! The keyboard had a steel drum effect which they loved. (This must be about the coffee.)
  6. When I wear orange or yellow, I look like I have hepatitis. I guess I thought of that because I look pale today, an accompaniment to my wicked sinus headache. (Maybe that's why I want Trinidadian or Jamaican coffee this morning??? I'll have to settle for Excedrin Tension Headache and whatever coffee I picked up at Trader Joe's instead.)
  7. Autumn is my favorite season, and it is beautiful here in my adopted home state of Michigan. I love the comfort of a warm house, a snuggley sweater, and a stiff cup of good coffee that embraces me after a crisp, fall morning excursion.

After much thought, I'd like to bestow the Versatile Blogger award upon:
  • Laurie M of Beauty for Ashes (I am blessed by your bravery, honesty, and love.)
  • Lewis of Commandments of Men (I love Lewis! I'm so proud of him and encouraged by him. Don't miss his Stitches in the Veil!)
  • Kris at SGM Survivors (I wish I had more time and energy to participate there, and Kris does an excellent job dealing with the issues and concerns of those who have exited Sovereign Grace Ministries.)
  • All of the contributors at No Longer Quivering (I'm so proud of the courage and dedication of Vyckie and those who work with her to provide this resource to women who are struggling with the after-effects of patriarchy.)
  • Shirley at bWe Baptist Women for (Shirley faithfully works at countering the lies that complementarianism tells to women.)
  • Joanne at the Truthspeaker Weblog   (I don't know how she finds time or energy to keep up with all of the ongoing Pentecostal/Charismatic weirdness.) 
  • Chandra at Dispelled (The blog of a young mom bravely working through her past experience in cultic homeschooling and telling the truth about it.)

I don't read their blogs as often as I would like and probably should, but I hope that my readers here will benefit from them. 

Enjoy versatile blogging!