
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Officially and Formally Announcing the Freedom for Christian Women Coalition Video Channels

Edit 8Dec11

With most of the footage from the Seneca Falls 2 Convention online, I'd like to formally announce that most all of the videos are now available. hosts the complete presentations without interruption, and both YouTube and Tangle feature shorter videos and topical clips from the conference.  Janice Levinson's presentation (co-founder of the Protective Mother's Alliance International with Lundy Bancroft) should be available by the end of the week.

Visiting the Freedom for Christian Women Coalition website ( is the best way to navigate through the videos by topic.  
The tabs at the top of the page also direct you to lists that feature the synopsis of each clip, and you can easily link to the topic that interests you most on YouTube or Vimeo from there.

 You can also sift through the videos at the FreeCWC YouTube Channel itself, though I find this process a bit more frenetic!

Some of you may prefer to use, and most of the Seneca Falls 2 short topical clips do appear there, too.

So there you have it!  Enjoy!

Here's a short clip to get you started, a nice response to the twisted truth and veiled lies told by the organizers of the upcoming True Woman conference.  I could add more history from the Moravian Church and my own Assemblies of God roots, but as a girl born in the Quaker State, who married a man from Quaker Town and educated in Quaker City, I'm quite proud of the rich heritage of the Quakers, too!