
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Blessing from Doug and Wendy Duncan

I'd like to add my voice to this Thanksgiving Day message from Doug and Wendy Duncan who have both been a wonderful encouragement to me.

I think that anyone interested in the gender debate within the Southern Baptist Convention should read her powerful testimony of her journey through the SBC and into the cultic Christian televangelist watchdog group, The Trinity Foundation.

Wendy, a social worker, also graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Dallas. Yet despite her fine training in two areas that one would think should have insulated her from the lures of a Bible-based Evangelical Christian "cult," she became a follower of Ole Anthony.

(But I'd like to think that it was the fine training in the Word that she did receive that was responsible for helping to get her out of the group.)

From an email from them today:

To all the pilgrims out there - those who have been set free from religious abuse and those who are working towards setting others free, we offer our thanks for allowing us to be a part of your spiritual journey. We pray that the days to come will be full of awe in the revelation of freedom and joy. We pray that you will come to know the marvel of who you are. We pray that the reality of God's incredible love for you will overwhelm your spirit. We pray that your deepest dream will be realized.
God's blessings and peace,
Doug and Wendy Duncan

Visit their website and read more about their experience
with Ole Anthony at

... and the Dallas Observer's article about their experience,
"Sometimes You Feel Like a Cult,
Sometimes You Don't"